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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
  • Project

CTR - Leather Initiative for Sustainable Employment Creation

The present proposal is inserted within the EU Action Fiche “_Leather Initiative for Sustainable Employment Creation (LISEC) in Ethiopia_”. The overall objective of the action is to create greater economic and decent employment opportunities, especially for young men and women through the development of the Ethiopian leather industry and the Modjo leather industrial park and Ethiopian leather industry value chain (one of the sectors identified in the Ethiopian's Growth and Transformation Plan II - GTP II as having the potential to boost the growth of the economy). Within this intervention logic, this programme proposes a new vision towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development that protects the environment and supports social inclusion.

In order to achieve the main programme goal, LISEC has been structured following a comprehensive approach with three main components aiming at: (i) Advancing economic competitiveness by strengthening the leather value chain; (ii) Protecting the environment by facilitating financial investments towards the establishment of an eco-friendly leather industrial park in Modjo; and (iii) Strengthening social cohesion by supporting local economic and social development initiatives, especially for women and youth living in Modjo area; and enhancing industrial and labour relations in the MLC. These 3 interlinked components will be coordinated and monitored closely by the EUD under centralized management in coordination with the project PSC.

Main objectives

The ++overall objective++ of the action is to create greater economic and decent employment opportunities, especially for young men and women through the development of the Ethiopian leather industry and the Modjo leather industrial park (MLC).

The ++specific objective++ of the project is to enhance the economic competitiveness by strengthening an inclusive and sustainable development of the Ethiopian leather value chain.


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