What is our objective?
We aim to establish inclusive economic development programmes addressing youths and vulnerable groups' employability through increasing their social and professional skills as well as enhancing effective job creation. This includes, support to existing and new MSMEs integrate local and regional value chains and access markets; as well as improving local business enabling environment and financial inclusion to boost self-employment, in particular for the youths and most vulnerable groups.
How does this objective link to our actions?
If we can support business environment enablers and bridge the skills gaps for the youth and most vulnerable groups, additional employment opportunities will be created, thus promoting stability, inclusive economic growth, social cohesion and development in selected regions of migration origins and regions with high growth potential. Our programmes are tailor made to meet the needs of youth, women and other vulnerable groups who face additional barriers preventing them to access economic opportunities and financial services. Our main assumption is that short and long-term grievances arising from economic and social exclusion, marginalisation and inequality are amongst the most significant drivers of violence, forced displacement and illegal migration. Through the EUTF for Africa, we therefore aim to provide alternative opportunities for communities to foster growth and development in the long term.