- Region and Country
- Horn of Africa
Our work in the Horn of Africa covers nine countries: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, as well as neighbouring countries in particular circumstances.
The Horn of Africa region faces challenges that go beyond country borders: climate change, forced displacement, demographic pressures, environmental stresses, various forms of conflict, trafficking of human beings and smuggling of migrants, as well as organised crime and violent extremism. Our approach to address these challenges is geographically comprehensive and holistic, putting the region at the centre of our response.
On some projects, we are working with the regional organisation IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development), building on areas of work in which IGAD is active, such as durable solutions for refugees, peace and security and resilience building, and harmonisation of national policies and strategies.
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Regional programmes
The specific objectives of the project are: (I) to strengthen IGAD’s capacity for coordinating and facilitating the implementation of IDDRSI to build resilience, as a means of addressing the root causes of vulnerability, forced displacement and irregular migration; and (II) to promote reform in IGAD
The overall objective is to improve migration management in the region, and in particular to curb the trafficking of human beings and the smuggling of migrants within and from the Horn of Africa.
The specific objectives will be to collate, synthesize and disseminate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence related to instability, irregular migration and forced displacement in the Horn of Africa; to communicate the outcomes of existing and new research and evidence to, and share
The specific objectives of the project are:(I) to support the process of adoption, ratification and domestication of the IGAD Protocols on Free Movement of Persons and on Transhumance by IGAD Member States upon their adoption by IGAD Council of Ministers, along with complementary measures to...
The specific objectives are: •To prevent local conflict and mitigate its impact;•To promote economic and private sector development, and greater resilience, particularly among vulnerable groups (e.
The overall objective of the project is the following: to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and rights-based migration through the facilitation of dignified voluntary return and the implementation of development-focused and sustainable reintegration policies and processes.
Specific Objective 1: to establish and implement a Monitoring and Learning System which monitors and reports on the overall progress of the EUTF Horn of Africa window against EUTF strategic objectives, Horn of Africa policy priorities and EUTF principles of interventions.
The intervention logic of the project is that in the context of the Horn of Africa, the sharing of information on irregular migration and associated criminal networks amongst the countries of the Khartoum Process is a conditional requirement to address transnational crime.
The specific objective is to enhance the food security, income and resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, and particularly in selected cross-border areas of South Sudan.
The following three thematic objectives and one implementation effectiveness objective are identified to achieve the broader goal of peace and stability in the region:I.
The specific objective is to better equip relevant country agencies to disrupt the traffickers and smugglers of human beings operating in the Greater Horn of Africa through efficient use of financial investigations and anti-money laundering approaches, including on tracing and seizing assets and...
The second phase of the Better Migration Management programme aims to improve the management of safe, orderly and regular migration in the region and support national authorities in addressing the smuggling of migrants and the trafficking in human beings within and from the Horn of Africa.
The overall objective of the action is to increase the safety and well-being of displaced populations and their host communities and reduce inequalities between these groups.
The overall objective is to increase the safety and well-being of displaced populations and their host communities living in urban or peri-urban settings and reduce inequalities between these groups.
The project's overall objective is to strengthen and implement the IGAD GCR process, thereby providing increased safety and well-being to displaced populations and host communities.
Cross-window programmes
The specific objective is to conduct, synthesize, disseminate and make use of new and existing research on the drivers and dynamics of the root causes of instability, insecurity, irregular migration and forced displacement in West and North Africa and migration routes, and the most successful policy...
The overall objective is to increase the efficiency of the Trust Fund, through gender-and-rights-responsive technical assistance for the identification, formulation, evaluation, monitoring of and communication on trust fund interventions, including audits, evaluations/communication actions for this...
The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to strengthen the governance of migration in the region and provide protection and sustainable solutions for migrants and refugees along the Central Mediterranean route.
The overall objective of the action is to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in West Africa and the Horn of Africa.
News & Stories

- News article
We are pleased to share the EUTF Horn of Africa and Sahel Lake Chad 2020 2nd Semester and Annual Monitoring and Learning System Reports with annexes.
- 4 min read

- News article
Every year, thousands of migrants in Africa embark on dangerous journeys to cross the Mediterranean, many with little knowledge of the risks ahead.
- 1 min read

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- News article
The European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF for Africa) has launched today a virtual exhibition to celebrate its five years.
- 2 min read

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- News article
In late August 2020, 118 Ghanaian migrants stranded in Libya due to COVID-19 restrictions were able to go back home.
- 4 min read

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- News article
Based on the discussions held at the 7th Board Meeting on 29 September 2020, and further to the consultations with the Council and European Parliament, the Commission adopted the Decision to extend the mandate of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa on the 10th of December.
- 1 min read

- News article
To bring youth voices to the forefront of action and policy responses, the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) and its partners including the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the International Labour Organization, the UN Major Group for Children and Youth, AIESEC, the European Youth...
- 1 min read

- News article
The COVID-19 outbreak has hit 52 African countries to date.
- 4 min read

- News article
"I miss Sudan, I miss its land, I miss its soil.
- 2 min read