- Region and Country
- North of Africa
Over the last ten years, the evolution of migration patterns has turned Morocco from a country of origin of migration to a transit and destination country for migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and Syria, though total numbers remain relatively modest. With a growing number of stranded migrants, Moroccan society is challenged by a new set of social and legal issues typical of immigration countries. In 2014, Moroccan authorities adopted a National Migration Strategy focusing on the integration and access to public services for regular migrants and the management of migratory flows from a human rights perspective, as non-regularized migrants have also been granted access to certain basic services. The Strategy also reckons the importance of diasporas by aiming to strengthen the link with their networks. Morocco also plays a proactive role in promoting better migration governance at a regional level. In this respect, the EUTF for Africa in Morocco will ensure that future projects complement the activities already undertaken to support the Moroccan migration policies taking into account Morocco's strategic geographical location in Africa.
Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EU support on migration in Morocco:
- 30 MARCH 2023
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National programmes
Ce programme vise à améliorer la prévention du racisme et de la xénophobie vers la population migrante au Maroc ainsi qu'à améliorer la communication entre sphères publiques et les citoyens, y compris les personnes migrantes, afin de répondre à la pauvreté et l’exclusion, le tout articulé autour ...
Le premier programme multivolets entre l'Afrique du Nord et le Sahel/lac Tchad visera à renforcer la coopération Sud-Sud en matière de migration par le soutien à la mise en œuvre de protocoles d’entente entre le Maroc et le Sénégal, la Côte d’Ivoire et le Mali.
Le programme vise à renforcer la protection et la résilience des migrant(e)s, des personnes déplacées et des communautés d’accueil.
Les objectifs specifigques de ce programme sont: 1) Assurer au niveau local une plus grande accessibilité et une meilleure prise en charge des personnes migrantes en situation de grande vulnérabilité (notamment accès à la santé y compris maternelle et infantile, accompagnement psychosocial...
L’objectif général du programme, est d’atténuer les vulnérabilités liées à la migration irrégulière et de lutter contre la migration irrégulière. L’action vise à renforcer les capacités des institutions marocaines à protéger, surveiller et contrôler les frontières...
L’objectif général de l'action est de «renforcer la gouvernance et la mise en oeuvre des politiques migratoires au niveau régional». Elle vise plus spécifiquement l'intégration des deux politiques migratoires que sont la Stratégie nationale d'immigration et d'asile (SNIA) et la Stratégie Nationale..
Appui aux actions des autorités marocaines sur la gestion des flux migratoires, y inclus le renforcement de la gestion intégrée des frontières, la lutte contre les réseaux facilitant les flux migratoires irréguliers pour améliorer la protection des migrants et la sensibilisation des jeunes aux...
Regional programmes
Specific objectives: 1) Ensure sustainable systems/programmes are established and enhanced to effectively deliver inclusive services, support social cohesion, and address potential tensions between host and displaced communities; 2) provide members of migrant and host communities with greater...
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to improved, rights-based migration governance at local level in cities of the 5 Countries of the North of Africa region and two cities from Middle East16, notably through partnership with cities in Europe, with a specific focus on...
The specific objectives are to: 1) implement a coherent, measurable and impact-oriented cooperation framework for the EUTF NOA;2) provide technical assistance on formulation of Actions, requiring ad hoc technical expertise, and strengthen the use of standard tools, in particular the Result...
The specific objectives are to improve protection and enable the assisted voluntary return of stranded migrants and migrants in transit in North Africa; to support targeted countries to enhance the sustainability of reintegration through an integrated approach addressing economic, social, and...
The overall objective will be achieved through: 1) enhanced detection and interception capacities of front-line officers and agencies at selected border crossing points and key hub cities along smuggling routes; 2) strengthened identification and investigation capacities of first responders...
The BMP Maghreb programme particularly focuses on providing support to the strengthening of border management capacities of Maghreb countries.
The overall objective of the Action is to foster mutually beneficial legal migration and mobility, in line with the EU TF North of Africa Window Priority Action 2.
The overall objective of this Action is to strengthen resilience of those in need (in line with Priority Action III and Strategic Objective III of the EUTF – NOA: To strengthen protection and resilience of those in need), including migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities.
L'objectif global de MEETAfrica 2 s’inscrit dans Objectif Stratégique 2 du FFU - fenêtre Afrique du Nord Accroitre la migration légale mutuellement bénéfique et la mobilité.
The overall objective of this action is: to foster stability through increased access to rights for refugees and asylum-seekers in three North African countries and to reduce the risk of dangerous onwards movements to Europe.
The overall objective (expected impact) of this action is: to contribute to the strengthening of migrant protection and sustainable reintegration systems in North Africa _(contributing to Strategic Objective 5 (“Mitigating vulnerabilities arising from irregular migration and to combat irregular.
The overall objective of the action is to contribute to reducing acute vulnerabilities and improve resilience in light of the COVID-19 pandemic in NoA countries.
Cross-window programmes
The specific objective is to conduct, synthesize, disseminate and make use of new and existing research on the drivers and dynamics of the root causes of instability, insecurity, irregular migration and forced displacement in West and North Africa and migration routes, and the most successful policy...
The overall objective is to increase the efficiency of the Trust Fund, through gender-and-rights-responsive technical assistance for the identification, formulation, evaluation, monitoring of and communication on trust fund interventions, including audits, evaluations/communication actions for this...
The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to strengthen the governance of migration in the region and provide protection and sustainable solutions for migrants and refugees along the Central Mediterranean route.
The overall objective of the action is to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in West Africa and the Horn of Africa.
News & Stories
- News article
The first sign language video informing Moroccan returnees about their rights and services was made available recently through the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in North Africa.
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Unable to support his family and provide for himself, Zakaria (23) embarked upon a journey to Greece through Turkey hoping to build a better life in Europe but now, he is back to Morocco doing business.
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- News article
Du 23 au 27 novembre 2020, à Oujda, Casablanca, Rabat et Tanger, Enabel et ses partenaires organisent la première école intensive sur le droit de l’asile et de la migration.
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Pour accompagner les entrepreneurs des diasporas africaines en France et en Europe, Expertise France, avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne et de l’Agence Française de Développement, et en partenariat avecla GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) et Anima Investment Network...
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IOM, the UN Migration Agency, announced on 13/03 that it has assisted 10,171 migrants to return home safely from Libya with support from the European Union, African Union, and the Libyan Government since the scale up of Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) from the country started on 28 November last...
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