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Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
Region and Country
  • North of Africa
NoA - Morocco.jpg

7 programmes

Over the last ten years, the evolution of migration patterns has turned Morocco from a country of origin of migration to a transit and destination country for migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and Syria, though total numbers remain relatively modest. With a growing number of stranded migrants, Moroccan society is challenged by a new set of social and legal issues typical of immigration countries. In 2014, Moroccan authorities adopted a National Migration Strategy focusing on the integration and access to public services for regular migrants and the management of migratory flows from a human rights perspective, as non-regularized migrants have also been granted access to certain basic services. The Strategy also reckons the importance of diasporas by aiming to strengthen the link with their networks. Morocco also plays a proactive role in promoting better migration governance at a regional level. In this respect, the EUTF for Africa in Morocco will ensure that future projects complement the activities already undertaken to support the Moroccan migration policies taking into account Morocco's strategic geographical location in Africa.

Check out the following factsheet to learn more about the EU support on migration in Morocco:

  • 30 MARCH 2023
EU Migration support in Morocco